Which three are you choosing?
H: 8k caps W: 2 ** strength mods
H: 20k caps W: 5 ** strength mods
H: caps W: 5 2 star strength mods and 1 3 star strength mod
H: lots of caps W: 5 2 star strength legendary mods and 1 3 star strength legendary mod
Why is my game japanese?
H: q25ffr90rw light machine gun W:offers two handed melee or caps
GLUTTON 2-Star Legendary effect is bugged and cannot be applied to power armor.
Did I just hit a decent score ? I found this in a npc vendor for a couple of caps
17 Year old Said She Was 23
Quick question Karma system
I have a b50vats hit chance 25lvc bow if any of y’all want to offer something for it low balls accepted I will literally never use it I will take cap offers too
Am I missing something?
H: caps W: modded gat plas stinging core and accelerated barrel
I played with MrWestTek
Who's death was sadder?
Not what I needed but okay…
H: 40k caps W: anti armor box and vital box send me your prices
H: b25ffr25lvc gat gun W: anti armor mod box or caps
Cute Cucking 19 Year old Slut Orgasms from Bull while Showing her Boyfriend
H: q50c25lvc lever rifle W: fusion cores and plasma corers 50 each
H: q50c25lvc lever rifle W: fusion cores and plasma corers or heavy gun offers
H: chainsaw skeptikill paint W: to know the value of it
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