Favourite social media following list of an Oscar winning director?
What movie made you audibly shout, "What the f***?"
Favorite actor who's definitely a Cinephile?
We are just built different
Movies with 2 completely different types of audiences???
What's the best anime movie you've ever watched?
Can you suggest some sexually explicit movies?
What the FUCK was this guy's problem!?
blursed poster
What movie that turns your girlfriend on sexually would you consider a major red flag?
An anti-Nazi party meeting of the 'Iron Front' in the Lustgarten. Berlin, March 1932.
Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong With the Palestinian Flag
Yeah, you sissy
Definitive Greatest Film Of All Time?
The whole USA-Canada fight summed up in one picture
In your opinion, what movie has the best soundtrack?
I heart this movie and it's plot, story, theme, character!
Best movie the last 5 years
Vive Le Hosers
NotUsNotpolitics juste des poste de marde tabarnacle. 💩🎃👴
Lady's and Gents, its been an honor
Give me a movie that can make me cry
Movie where character gives you Jerk Off Instructions
What are the worst films you've ever watched? (or walked out on)