Bailey- A manic pixie dream girl?
First time watcher, stuck on the end of season 4
Crowley trying to enslave Lucifer was stupid
Watch Season 5+6 Entirely?
A.P. Bio and Community
I feel like no one writing for Madam Secretary was a teenager in the last fifty years
Vice President Theresa Hurst Change
PCOS: period/pms changes?
Let’s see what we come up with!
Times When Louise Goes Too Far?
Rory should've invited the grandparents to the engagement party
Qwick, restaurant staffing app
What’s a sexual fantasy, kink or position you thought you’d hate but ended up liking?
Stubborn tooth not tracking.
Jo Wilson's backstory regarding her name being a fake name is confusing
No Lipstick this season
Do we just ignore Derek kissing Renee (NIH fellow)
Genuine question: what did Derek give up? Since the start I can’t recall him taking any sacrifices...
These damn helmets been driving me crazy!!!! are they real!?
The study tree is peak entitled Rory
Owen's Accent in 17x12
Saw someone do a similar post. So, if you could marry any of the female characters..
Is anyone really that passionate about the show now?
Going out drinking?