If I remembered what I read I'd be unstoppable
what’s your fav adhd purchase?
Curses!!! Did I take my ADHD meds already today?
We listen and we judge
my version of the "ADHD rescue cart" 🤗
How old were you when you were diagnosed?
Just curious: what’s your zodiac sign? (If your into that)
Gift advice?
This is the most sauced I’ve ever seen anyone on this show.
What's your weirdest/most unique sensory issue?
Extreme TW:ADHD anxiety +People pleaser Combo
David during his and Michelle's Decision Day:
Holiday present to myself: a personalized ADHD “rescue” station!
dex vs vyvanse & bowel habits
How can I get excited and hyperfixate on healthy eating and exercise?
Black Providers
Do we have a nickname for stuff that’s out of place and needs to be put away? If not, can we make one up?
🚨 Project ADHD Super List
What a terrible camera angle…
how’d you realize you had adhd?
What's my worst dopamine seeking habit, you ask?
Is anyone actually exercising 4-5 days a week? If so, how does it feel to be superhuman? (Actually though, how do you make it work?)
Productive Week
How do you get up and do things?
I made a themed evening schedule to stop my ‘lost time’ problem