Driving test - Derby
Dad wants me to buy a house (USA) with five bedrooms for my family and it's freaking me out
Renting in Derby
Estate agents you'd recommend/avoid?
Derby uni this year?
AM wants me ( 22F) to quit my job and move back home
Best places for lunch
I just saved over $300 a month!
Cooking Supplies
Would you allow a patient to see a GP of their choice based on sex and ethnicity?
AITA for asking my sister to not walk around semi-naked in the house?
My Parents cannot afford to support me at Uni, but they earn enough so that I get the minimum maintenance.
Advice for how to live on your own for the first time?
Cooking Lessons
AITA for wanting to live my life?
Anyone else have APs that took no interest in your life until you became an adult and had your own life?
damn it's lonely here
Accommodation options
In derby monday to wednesday, what to do?
Any interesting obscure places/ things to do in Derby?
GP clinic Recommendations?
anyone else for sept intake 2022 in university of Derby. I took major in big data. and which is the best accommodation for a decent social life?
Badminton clubs in derby?
Finding zinc in soil?
What is your controversial UK related food opinion nobody agrees with?