Any song you guys wish Takanaka plays at the LA shows?
Takanaka has announced that he will be releasing recordings of 2 recent live concerts on vinyl in the US! (linked below)
I'm starting to watch Breaking Bad for the first time, ever. Make a joke or reference in the comments that I won't get yet, but will once I finish the series.
What's your favourite version of Ready To Fly?
An I find these anywhere on Spotify?
Recording of the start and encore of Takanaka’s concert in Hibiya! (22/9)
Merch at LA show?
A show featuring a (I think never before or after seen) version of 黒船(6 6 4) (linked below)
Why isn't all of me on streaming?
Painting the best guitar of all time, TAKANAKA
Any Takanaka songs you think are underrated?
There are many versions of Blue Lagoon, does anyone have a standout favorite?
Does anyone know who sings for Takanaka in songs like ONE MORE NIGHT etc? I’ve nver been able to find out
Realest of the real
If you got to meet 47, what would you say?
Pioneer ad featuring takanaka
Takanaka House Tour (linked below)
Do I save up for ???
Anyone know if Takanaka will come anywhere else in the U.S. besides LA? I’m gonna be at University during that time :(
Takanaka in La / My opinion
If you’re going to Takanaka’s show in LA on the 9th/10th, how far are you travelling for it?
What is takanakas most emotional song?
Finally arrived 🔥
Takanaka has considered his MC being ’Masayoshi F*ckin’ Takanaka’ in LA. Thoughts?
Just gunna flex my collection really quick