Poster I did
Koper, Slovenia
Idk if over engineering or just knowing how to gravity assist
Name this country, *sad version
Croquetas en Inglaterra
Ado silliness in an American Uber back when she was in LA
¿Qué expresiones usan los jóvenes españoles hoy en día?
Renfe no tiene trenes que conecten Barcelona con Valencia de forma directa?
Bra self destructed on my body - twice
Birth Certificate = Citizen of the USA
1.95583 — what are numbers, that everybody in your country knows?
La catedral de Ávila
One goddamn second. One. Second
Una argentina i un grup de valencianòfobs rebenten un ple a Paiporta per obligar un regidor a no parlar valencià
Just give Up france for that
Welke plek geven wij op?
I'm sure there is no resentment anymore, right?
When you go to the Ado concert are you given glow sticks or do you have to buy your own?
I got a temporary tattoo on the tongue by eating a cookie, proving a TikTok theory with my colleagues
Don’t choose wrong resolution guys!
This is what $550 and $600 MSRP looks like in Europe. Croatia to be exact.
Açò pensen els alacantins sobre la consulta de la llengua a l’escola pública.
¿Alguien sabe que están haciendo los políticos españoles respecto a EEUU?
Tell me your least favourite Ado song and rate it out of 10.
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