Mark Carney vs Pierre Poilievre, who do you think is the better choice?
Is Trump wrong about refugees pouring from Canada to the US?
What is a method of torture that would break you immediately?
what's the best part of being attractive?
Are you worried about the tariffs? Do you think your job or business will be affected?
What would be the process of deporting the alarming number of immigrants that have flooded the country in the past few years
What should you never say to your hungry girlfriend?
What would you do with 250 pounds of frozen elk semen?
What thoughts might go through someone’s mind while they are hanging to death?
What’s something about yourself that you would hide?
What do you buy most online?
What are your thoughts on nominating John Stewart, Matt Damon and/or Mark Cuban for President next time around?
How common is it to talk to yourself?
What makes yourself unique?
Are you tarriffied? Why or why not?
What’s something you should know but don’t because of how advanced technology is now?
We need to put President Trump on one of the banknotes, who should he replace?
What did you do when you are bored?
What would be the most terrifying phrase to hear from your dentist?
What do other countries majority think of America right now as a country?
If you won the lottery today what’s the first thing you’ll do tomorrow?
If you could be the American president what would be your first executive order?
I think getting a good 8 or more hours of sleep a day gets you old faster.
What do you do if you lay awake for hours unable to sleep because you can't turn your brain off?
Who is someone good looking but has no sex appeal?