Downloaded WuWa just for Brant- is he an actual pirate or an actor pretending to be a pirate?
DPS Build Checkpoint !
On a mission to become a Brant main
Don’t you dare kuro…
[PROMO] From EoS to The Game Awards: The Story of Kuro Games and Solon Lee
Peetahh? Why is she blushing?
Brant on JP
leak on how the new male character gonna be
Missed Opportunity to Release a Male Knight Resonator
How does Boothill uses the bathroom with 90% of his body being mechanically modified?
What kind of numbers do you think this guy will be hitting in the upcoming 50 phase event?
[Vent] I don't play WuWa because it lacks male characters.
S2 Proc ?
February Revenue
Male pullers only, how were your pulls/experiences up till now?
Rate my Brant build
Optimal rotation for dps brant ?
I was already very demotivated but hearing this from a guy who works out in my gym makes me think of quitting gym altogether.
Anyone planning on making him Main DPS?
Tiny bit of hope for hoyo to listen to our feedback?
Reason kuro is the best and always listens.
This is for you, Brant!
“Erudition Meta”
Mainstream community should understand we are complaining because we couldnt play him, not because he is weak.