CATHARTIC POST TIME: You’re in a text group of 70 people and someone mentions their daughter had a baby. You have to sit through dozens of “CONGRATULATIONS!”. Comment here to reply what you REALLY want to say to the group…
Electrical Troubleshooting
Hyperbaric Chamber Explosion. Patient Death.
What is the absolute strongest dishwasher?
My Zipley internet bill has increased from $20 to $90 (100Mbps) for no reason! Any other internet provider options options?
Yale Wifi Module
How much does your chichi weigh?
Backdoor found in two healthcare patient monitors, linked to IP in China
Target clearancing Pickleball gear by up to 70% off
Willem Dafoe and Catherine O’Hara Hustle Pickleball Players for Michelob ULTRA Beer in Super Bowl Ad
Don’t forget about Medical Oncology
Let's play! Name! That! Asset!!
What is the best vehicle to own in Baja?
A history of Morro Rock as a quarry
Medcast - SNL
to understand water
Favorite video games
Sub meter?
Can I use Franklin Battery for Time of Use?
Who else said they didn’t want a small dog ?
Where can I hire someone to grab two chairs from Palm Springs and bring them to me in San Diego?
Have a motion sensor trigger a light between sunset & 10 PM?
My beautiful goyle, Pippa. Any recommendations for a grey that doesn’t like toys?
Is there anything about the greyhound breed that makes you hesitant recommending them?