J141 quickly becoming a favorite
M vs L HARD decision (first Carhartt)
My new j141
WJ141 with the hood removed and added collar
Putting good use to my Michigan x Chrysler
Looking to ID this jacket
My Toddler’s Carhartt Collection
Welding fit
Picked up a J14 DKB
Standing in solidarity with my other J165 lovers out there - absolutely love my ugly duckling for these west coast winters.
Has anyone had experience with these?
I may have a new addiction
2 new pickups
Thrifted this today, don’t know much about it.
My carhartts kept me warm even if these -7 degree temps👊
Which one should i get for my first carhartt jacket: the Active Jacket or the Santa Fe?
JQ294 Aspen Active Jacket
This jacket caught a lot of attention
Bought a truck sight unseen found a jacket in it
2 Favorite J130’s Crimson And Spruce
AIO for telling my boyfriend I’m done after he said I’m crazy for thinking this test is positive?
Aztec Sizing Questions
Thoughts on purchase?
Deadstock Jackets FS
My Collection So Far