I hate my new class
Getting promoted kind of quick.
Has anyone spotted this man at the Airport yet?
Tell if anythings wrong w/ my uniform.)
to stop gang violence
Olympic sprinter Fred Kerley tased, beaten and pinned to ground by South Beach police officers
Tell me what US city you live in...
Rate the engraving 1-10
!!PSA!! | Be on the lookout!!
Meme I made
flame thy uniform!!! (let 2)
Thoughts? | MBTA
Shoppers: slow the hell down in parking lots
DgPotatochipz I'm calling you out
We've all seen pistols, what about pistol holsters?
Drill team
Let 3 SGT
Graduated Highschool as C/Capt in CAP, and C/2nd Lt in AFJROTC and once was C/CPO in NJROTC AMA
Afjrotc drill team
Hands on Promotion Questions
What’s that one program that always wins at competitions?
Let 1 year: completed
JROTC meme