Welcome to my dream world 🥺💞
Runaways from a TTI
Don’t talk to me or my son ever again
Un titre original
People are really sleeping on this line
I really really hate Persona 🤬😡
Why 5 Outfits Only Need 3 Evolutions
ACNH 3.0 (mod) is out!
C'est une blague ? Pub sur bordereau
We really need layers for this tree
I named myself "you fuck my ass". Here are screenshots from my run so far.
Shinjiro isn't thinking straight
can we get a megathread for gacha complaints for a gacha game
What do you guys think about CodeName X?
How smart/intelligent is Kris?
Nikki at the club with her buddies
Never seen this in my 11 years of playing!
My 4* only pullers, I gotchu!
Kanji and teddie secret love life?
They should've had a "I already harassed all my friends to install the game" answer to this one
We have a manga! New fans like me didn't know about this
I made a sonny angel calico cat mug
My silly pet peeve