Feel old yet?
Geography meme
Hope no one has already done this
It’s time to sleep
high IQ meme
People who were raised learning two languages instead of having a first language, what language do you think in?
that’s a lot of neutrons for something this small...
No homeo
Reditors, how and why did you start using it?
They got sneaky on them.
How do you assert dominance?
Men of Reddit when was the last time you were complimented on your appearance?
I guess this is my home now
What are your's new year resolutions?
Your life is now a YouTube video, how do you clickbait your own title?
What countries today would be the easiest to merge and why?
I tried asking out my Crush... Meme explains how THAT went...
Starship MK2
What do you think will happen next decade?
Redditors, how would you die if you had the choice but you can’t die by age?