Was excited to see a Vans hoodie I’ve wanted on sale for 50% off, waited 3 weeks and got kids shoes instead. The hoodie is now out of stock.
Are these wack?
i want a margarita with no tequila
Getting back into the game after years of break
ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli
This game brings out the best screams
Hello, I'm doing a giveaway for 3 Enlightened Bundle's from Amazon Prime. The rewards can be seen in the picture. To enter all you need to do is comment below. Commenting more than once will not improve your odds of winning. The winner will be picked in 24 hours from now. Good luck everyone.
WIP Bob 3D print I'm painting for my friend
I’m a voice actor, messing with Scammers again! 😂😂😂
This picture makes me nervous
They have HUNDREDS of toys to play with but she chooses this
Eva found her new favorite toy and she is very proud
Every dinner with my narcissistic mother-in-law turns into a fun game. She has no clue.
I like throwing stuff
Pretty Cool Lance 0 To Death
Was stuck being around 240 lbs for years, gained some more, and said screw it. Stared IF in January, 60 lbs down! I can’t believe how much my body has changed and how amazing I feel. 50 more lbs to go!
Big man at a bar getting rocked.
NYC K9 Units Getting Fierce
Went out the other night and this guy was taking a casual stroll
News reports kid getting hacked in Runescape
ELI5: Why does drinking water or holding your breath get rid of hiccups?
The shocking realization
Came across this gem of an intersection today
recyclebin.exe has crashed