Ranked on console is dead dominated by xim users
Would Uri have managed to defeat Grisha Yeager?
I didn’t know people weren’t getting Gible??
A Short History of Meta Decks
One of my best decks I’ve built
pvp used to be funny till this guy show up
Julgue o meu downgrade. Cortei meu cabelo faz uns meses, e agora eu só vivo de boné e triste k
Hi, I would like some friends to chat with 🙃
Sou muito feio, meu deus. Mas eu sou feliz comigo mesmo
Fact: in all promo packs will have a damn bird to prevent you to get the promo card easily
Trading offer
Is it Levi or Itachi?
What is possibilites to this!
Can anyone trade these with me please 😭
Quantos packs vcs abriram até agora? E quantos god packs tiraram, eu tirei 1 de 402 packs abertos
I’ll give a kidney for one of these
I wish there was some interaction like this so i could be toxic on tcgp
yall can tell me is this is a bug
Not getting shop points from thanks?
What 3 diamond decks do you use to win battle tasks?
Anyone else not have sympathy for Meta Decks not getting their insane 1st turn hands and stalling?
Yes, this event is a fucking joke.
Pq não gostam do darkrai ex?