Best caption wins
Black liquid coming out of film stored in refrigerator?
can i use my urethra as a pinhole camera
Why autofocus didn't work on my Zenith? What i do wrong? I even buy AF lens.
Got a new gear but its not working
How to load film into your Canon A-1, one handed
What are your favorite films for winter?
Is this a good deal? I hate paying for shipping.
Film recommendations please?
Pulled the trigger on Leica finally
Is that a fungus in my grandpa inherited lens?
I told the lab to throw away my porntra negatives but now I cannot find my tonez. What did I do wrong?
Has anyone seen my lenscap?
help ?? why no tonez?
Porntra 400, shot at box speed with Pentax 17, I keep getting those weird dots, what did I do wrong?
Why nothing?
Never Buying Another Lens Ever Again After Getting This Serial Number
Scored this f1.2 for $40, how did I do?
Yo, this isn’t a problem is it? What’s the worst that can happen?
How can I find subjects like these?
My grandad left me these. Do they have any value?
Cannot wait to load it with some porntra and chase those sweet tonez
Uhmm what’s the cause of this???
New Vintage Leica