Wrong answers only: what song is Shane running to?
What song is Shane running to?
What was Gordon’s wildest rage moment?
How do the deaf perceive music?
What album do you never skip one track on?
In the theistic world, it doesn’t seem to occur to anyone that some people may actually enjoy being in hell.
What’s the easiest song for a beginner to learn?
Odd times for the Guile theme to start playing
What song melted your fucking brain the first time you heard it?
Bands with no surviving members left
Mr. and Mrs. Clause during sexy time
Books where the villain is like this
What book has a villain with this kind of vibe?
What’s the worst pun you’ve ever heard?
What episode made you laugh most?
What song under 4 minutes melted your face off?
What album did you know you were going to love before you even heard it?
My top 10, counting down!
Besides Freddie Mercury and Elton John, what other rock icons are LGBT?
Chuck Norris ate ________ for breakfast this morning.
Which of these two bands is better overall?
If you were Goro, how would you take out Caillou?
Caillou if Donald Trump were his father
Fourth assortment of random favorites. One more to go! Who’s your vote?
Assortment #3 of 20 random favorites! Which one is yours?