need gym bros block 10 gym only
Wah anna wah wahhhh 😭
A place where people can actually meet and make friends.
best hawk tuah spots in Manipal ?, library seems fun
repetition of first sem labs and credits reqd to pass first year
What if I fail a lab 1st yr 1st semester?
How much do labs affect cgpa I think I’ll fuck up my endsem tom , posted here cus I was banned from posting in mol acads , what’s the bare minimum/40
How do we honestly feel about the Ice Spice skin?
mathongo/ good test series links? telegram if there are any in it
Can u guys suggest a good detan face mask for the manipal weather?
Anyone wanna go to the beach?
is anyone facing hairloss due hostel water?
I know it's exam season, but still wanted to know.
I got a new hp envyx 360 laptop , let me know if there are any games which I can run smoothly w out lagging preferably competitive as i don’t have hopes on running story modes in my laptop
attendance shortage , short by a single class HELPP
attendance shortage helpp
Good yt channels to auto cad CAEG cse
ls the library closed on public holidays? Is it open today
library timings?the individual
Are the freshers crazy smart this time?
how do i get rid of face fat?
Day 1 for me
Affordable gym in Manipal ?? Anybody