We need this video played in every classroom in the country for the next few years
Ok, PP. Whatever you say
To cry like a woman? It’s a fucking disgrace.
Canadian nationalism is reaching new Heights
Nosferatu has entered the chat
Bird flu confirmed in rats for first time, USDA reports
I know exactly when Jon Stewart will start calling Trump a fascist and start going down the warpath
I’m in full blown panic mode. My family is going to Virginia to see my brother and we’re going to be landing at the same airport where the black hawk collided with the plane. How do I weasel out of this? I don’t want to die.
After being able to defeat the American rebels, the UK was able to force France into a peace deal and be able to take most of the world, unopposed
Mormont, he’s wired for sound
My Canadian pride after we just kicked America’s ass in hockey:
Adios, ya fuckin' yank!
I guarantee the fucker isn't show up because he thinks hockey is boring
My go-to American double feature:
I've been watching the final scene of this movie a lot since Trump won. It was prescient of what was to come.
If this poll is indeed real America is so fucking cooked
It turned out all you need to bring young men back to the left is to be a central banker
It’s the Mark Carneygeddon
Here’s where we’re at for the “fell for it again awards”
Canada if we lose the game tonight:
The Conservative party of Canada is cooked
For any moderate Conservatives here: Your party is currently cooked.
You know, it actually is a blessing in disguise when you think about it.
Yeah, I can't see how America is going to just comeback from this.
It’s gonna be a long 4 years with this guy