My 1979 Les Paul custom. What is your opinion of the Norlin era guitars?
The Hush takes the spot for best episode
Buffy to Giles:
Which of these two is least trash? (I’m not even going to consider the obvious)
Season 4 episode 22.
George Lupus & Boner from U3
Grusha jump
Who wins?
Y’all helped me date this Fender Twin, so I decided to undress her. Anything else you amazing people can tell me about it?
What would be your first choice of VHS Movie to watch ?
Imagine them bigger
Octopus retaliation
How does absman work
To buy or not???I know it’s not a knife but dam does it look good
Unexpected encounter – my Poecilotheria formosa decided to jump on me!
This little bandit really likes to hide
I found this tiny car in a Chinese Market.
Who do you prefer?
My twin brother passed away before getting to read the Dark Tower. I put a copy in with him so he can read it in whatever other worlds he may go to.
Onions everywhere.
Re watching Logan.
Watching this for the first time and there’s so much proto-Archer in here
Which order to read “The wind through the Keyhole?
Worst candy changes/discontinuations of your lifetime?
And so, the final part of my journey begins