What video game soundtrack makes you go like this?
[Discussion] what game/games are you currently playing to platinum?
[Tricky Towers] 33rd platinum, this game is sadistic. Trial 50# without losing any lives was driving me crazy i started having dreams about it
Drop a game that plays like this.
I did the math
[ALL] My platinums, I'm a beginner gamer, give me platinum suggestions
[Other] What is the hardest platinum you have in your backlog that you still need to platinum?
[Discussion] What Plat run have you guys dropped?
[Discussion]Lets see what you guys got
Making a medieval fighting game, what do you think it needs to be immersive?
[Discussion] can you guys give me recommendations of games that take place in space or space related
[discussion] what is your most embarrassing platinum you have obtained?
Let's see...
[Discussion] What's Your Weird Trophy Hunting Habit?
[Discussion] I’m looking for a fun and memorable game for my 50th platinum, any suggestions?
[Other] top comment decides what platinum next
[multiple games] what game should be my first platinum
What’s the toughest platinum you’ve achieved?
[Discussion] What are your Most prized Trophies?
To make friends with an elephant
[Hogwarts Legacy] Does everyone do this as soon as they get the plat??
5 games = brand new console
whats the scariest video game ever?
F20. Had to cut my hair really short due to bleach damage. I also have a baby face and worry that I look 14. Be honest