Spotted her while working in Las Cruces NM 🥰
What's something you never understood about the opposite gender?
I love the sandias
How does it feel living alone...If you're not living alone, Do you think you could try?
What are you starting to dislike more and more the older you get?
My Dad said this looks gross
Main reason why I don't keep friends close.
What’s a movie that left you absolutely speechless after the credits rolled?
What’s a small thing that can very easily send you into a fit of rage?
The ending to Castaway really broke me last night.
Rewatched Castaway as an adult.
Asked if im okay
Got fired today and I don’t know how to cope
How much do you smoke?
Why does food taste so much better when you’re high?
Tips for Road Tripping with a Large Dog in a Truck?
How do you manage your energy after being around people for extended periods? What helps you recharge?
Am I not an introvert if I love to explore the outdoors?
How do you stop munching?!
Advice on what to do about not getting a reply!
what’s the first thing you think of when you see my work?
i’m 16 and scared of the fucking dark.
What's the common lie people tell themselves?
someone is staying with you temporarily, what is the no.1 rule they must never break?
Thoughts on Tariffs?