Jel neko poceo da dobija slicne poruke na fejsu
Zaljubljen u devojku koja me vidi "kao brata". Ona izlazi danas sa nekim momkom, a od mene traži savete i podršku i želi da me zadrži u životu, potreban savet?
Usao covek u knez i poceo da se dere studenti picke
Jel i nekome neki put pocne da zakoci bas zesce iphone 8
Jel neko zna sta se desilo sa samp Balkan School serverom
Jel neko dobijao slicne poruke i onda posle pocnu da prete na instagramu
Is this even playable at this point
Treba mi savet za auto skolu
Does anyone remember this game
Koje seksualno iskustvo vam je bilo najbolje ili se ponosite njime
Imam problem sa kompjuteom
Pitanje u vezi kompjutera
drop your favorite underrated PS2 gems
What y'all playing this weekend
What movie/series ending was the saddest/worst?
What are you most afraid of?
What’s the most unforgettable meal you’ve ever had?
The day you lost your virginity, how did you know you were losing it on that day?
Nokia c5-03 and nokia c3-01
My old phone from 2015 or 2014
Pretres vozila
How many games do you have for the PS2
Has anyone got message like random numbers and then text SIRYxKrru1t.
What does OP mean
What gets and immediate “Fuck Yes” from you?