Best server to play in India
The new govt to be so noble
Warning the PR department have noticed this sub
state of r/mumbai has just been so sad, this guy is always shooting up hate. stopped coming to this sub because he gets upvotes from his buddies, hope he isn't the admin.
Hamilton has equalled his longest win-less streak in Formula 1 · RaceFans
Need recommendations!
Beside avalanches, crevasses, and storms, what scares you the most in mountaineering?
Is it just me or does anyone else think that opposition in MH is trying to incite communal riots?
Is Eid a Free Pass for Chapris to Break Laws?
After a point, silence is consent.
We'll make it someday!
Gentle reminder to people of Mumbai who are staying here long enough and have no election cards, get them made
Not orginal :-D
Join Fdank league - F1 fantasy Code = db647ee576
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AC local on Central Line are life-savers and nobody is talking about it!
VOTE Salah: Who is the best player in the world right now!
Can we please get rid of this MVA govt. This is the second such bad news in 48 hours after the news of Bombardier cancelling the contract for metro coaches due to no metro shed. Cost are ballooning through the roof. We're already close to making the metro infra 20000cr more in cost
Race start of the 24 Hours of Spa.
Around these parts I believe they call that “a lot of damage”..
President on the move, Mumbai tied down for an hour - affected even emergency vehicles like ambulances
Incredible muscle and airflow control
Somebody stop him!
Bulgarian police uses pepper spray on protesters, and the wind blows it back into their faces.