Can't wait to ride again!
Pretend its 2007 and the first Uncharted game came out
Underholde børn i fly
Min kæreste ser det som en selvfølge, at vi skal dele udgifter 50/50 – men han tjener tre gange så meget som mig
Why don't the Spider-Men alert the people of NYC about the symbiote's weakness to sound?
So are worth collecting ?
Knirkende gulv
The guards killed those two before I even got close enough to hear the shots. I sent him to the Hot Springs lol
Buying again to be riding again
My first time playing resident evil game and this thing on the ceiling keeps eating my pistol shots 🤣 any tips?
Slangs fra 00'erne?
How do I tell her that I have absolutely no ammo left for any of my weapons, no resources, no gunpowder, no healing items nor granades and that we’re screwed big time?
Deleting all progress on RE3 Remake
Worth trying again?
Er det noget i gør i på jeres arbejde? Altså bad i arbejdstiden?
What are somethings you learned way too late you could do in dying light? (Dumb Edition)
Who is this woman on the background of RE7?
What is the craziest or most reckless thing Spider-man (Peter Parker) has ever done?
Hvad er de nekrofiles slagsang?
Can people say something postive about this game and to hype me up and just bought it for 10$ on sale.
Alene og syg hjemme
Resident Evil (1) really has a different vibe compared to the rest of the series
Need help on resident evil 0
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