How such questions are tackled ???
Science & Tech, Sources of questions
Newspaper for 17th Feb 2025
Anyone who has Anthropology or Biology optional, is this true?
Making a UPSC discussion group
Newspaper reading based on PYQ's and trends
Why MOD !?
Struggling to Make Simple, Concise Notes Despite Multiple Readings
Keyword analysis for Prelims
With 100 days to go, help me cover Current Affairs for Prelims 2025!
Hi, I’m the cofounder of Sleepy Classes IAS .. need to make an important decision in my life.. so, I want to ask you.. what comes to your mind when you hear sleepy classes ?
F 21 raptor needs your help
Financial market topic in economy
Topic wise practice questions
Concept is clear for economics ? A source for crisp revision notes , to see if I am not missing on something
State your Mistakes
Prelims Current Affairs
Where can I cover the Budget and Economic Survey? Who explained it better in simple terms on YouTube?
Is there a list of topics that we have to memorise for prelims available in the market? (purely mug up topics only)
test series for 60 days (march and april) before pre 2025
I am not liking Spectrum. Am I in the minority?
Trends in UPSC prelims
Orangutan !
PYQ for Prelims
From today's Hindu: "Over decades there has been an inverse relationship between private investment and consumer spending". Why?