Coparent is acting strange, barely replying to texts about kid
Am I reading into my coparent’s behavior? I’m trying to check myself while being realistic.
Accusations and lunch
I actually don’t like my wife
Am I being strung along?
Is 32 too old to be a sb?
Question about intentions, friends are giving me (possible) bad advice.
I Found a Letter My Dad Wrote to My Mom… And Now I Don’t Know What to Do
Have you ever cancelled a first date but still legitimately wanted to go out with the person?
Had a date set for this Friday and he wants to reschedule, did he find a better option or is his reasoning legitimate?
Update to previous post about the text I (31f) sent to the guy (36m) I was talking to
Can I get some feedback on a text I’m sending the guy I’ve been talking to?
What’s your perspective about a text I might be sending the guy I’ve been talking to?
He’s (36m) upset with me (31f) for having a dating profile?
Anyone have mixed feelings about Inositol?
Inositol, how long did you take it to see results
Men on Reddit, how can I ask you about your hygiene before any chance of having sex with you without getting you offended?
He said he can’t put all of his eggs in one basket after what an ex did to him. How do I proceed?
He likes me, but still hasn’t kissed me?
Are we dating same guy Admin exposed
I think I’ve fallen in love with someone else