What happens when you get caught cheating
15-year price prediction and how to sell it
are salt rocks a good way to make myself go drink water?
This feels like winning a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory
Had it for a while, but need opinions. Should I open it.
I invent dumb products so I made a way to put sunblock on your own back.
Whack-a-Hawk event
I didn't know this is Escanor Anniversary banner.
Where can I legally set off fireworks around the DFW, or not to far of a drive. 4th of July is coming up and I always wanted do it.
what is the last book you read ?
When did you get Queen Diane on the banner?
Do I need to give a 2 week notice since I’m literally 15 and want to leave immediately? How will this impact on me in the future at all
For all the people who have Traitor Meli
I know you can do it
Looking for donated car charity
You have $400 to blow on Pokémon cards. What do you buy?
How are your summons for Traitor Meli? Post your results here so we can share with the salt together
Boss tried to gaslight me after giving my resignation letter - should I contact HR
I just deleted thousands of hours of work from my old job
Is this enough money
How a disgruntled employee single-handedly destroyed a Chipotle
We’re all quitting.
I need help with happy Halloween mission