Hypothetically if I put some white retro reflectors inside my car would that be illegal?
Students don't give two pints about rotation
On Call Firefighter
My growing Tesco magazine collection
I'm sorry Peter, I promise I'm not a nazi
Sunday till reset
Hey Peter, why is she splitting in half?
Express Price Drops happening tomorrow through Tuesday (possibly large format too, I only see Express comms)
High Value Health and Beauty
Why are the self-scan tills so shit?
Why are my payslips so complicated
Colleague who is grazing in back stock area
Inform seems to think we're in the future?
Employees playing on their phones on shift?
Curious case of Courgettes! !
How do I go about Acquiring £5 notes?
Labour Question
Green trays OUT! Now delivering your fresh food from the trailer floor yay!
Apart from throwing everything on the capping shelf what do day staff do all on their shift?
driving speed on a curved road
Becoming an SL
The ghost of a Squares packing is haunting my Tesco