Guardian glitching
Why is my guardian glitching??
Question? Between the four major DBZ villains who in your opinion is the most intimidating?
Arcade mode fighters?
Spider with "realism" settings. Fighting for my life with absolutely no energy
Wordington scam avoidance
So I have space to move. What are some simple things I can try?
wordington drawing
Swag money……💯
There should be a "push" feature in totf 2
Is Black Frieza op?
Damn bots
Solutions to sweat & fogging (quest 2)
whats your Thrill of the Fight alternative
YouTuber who pranks people by trying to steal their luggage at airports to get people's reactions goes wrong
How do you even play the game.
Wordington truth
Outclassed Money Maker Body Shot TKO in the 4th (DP,1.7x)
Bicep curl not working my bicep