De que história ele está falando??
What's your favorite foreign film?
IIL movies that fucked me like a hooker like Incendies, Oldboy and Martyrs?
Which is the most fun to watch with friends?
Essential Golden Age movies?
Atmospheric, gritty movies
Oque estão achando até agora da série do Pinguim?
No meme. This movie actually fucking sucked
Terminei de assistir o último episódio de Game Of Thrones
Favorite horror movie, people?
What book completely altered your perspective on life?
A Few Good Men (1993)
Wise words to live by
The Fugitive (1993)
What’s your top 4 currently?
Qual é uma palavra não obscena mas que você acha obscena ou esquisita?
Best movies about grown up siblings?
Shiv Roy fan art
Climax(2018) makes you feel filthy
Most notable "Watch Once and Your Done" films?
Please suggest a movie that isn't famous but very worth to watch.
Thoughts on avoiding to watch certain genres or periods in film?
What do my top 3 movies of all time say about me?