Do you have to wear certain brands (ex. Liz Lisa) for your style to be considered true Jirai or do you just have to follow the “look”?
Bio 1103 Lab Final
What other kind of top would go with the skirt I’m wearing?
Does getting your BSN program prerequisites done in one year instead of 1.5 or two help you get in or does only GPA matter?
Is this a good schedule? (Starting first sem in academic foundations of nursing in january)
18 [female] There’s a frog pin on my sweater!
🍒Cherry Dress🍒
Is waterline eyeliner bad for your eyes, especially if you have allergies or dry eyes?
Why was i attacked for dressing nicely at school?
How’s the cardigan look with this dress? Both thrifted!
Taking five courses this semester as an Academic Foundations of Nursing student - am I screwed?
I look masculine for a girl and people insist on me being trans
[female] Hi!
[female] Hello!
[female] felt cute today!
Dyed my hair green how does it look? [female]
Hope everyone is doing well today!
Hello! [female]
I’ve been really liking these shoes
[female] My look for the Barbie movie!
[Female] Cheer me up!
[female] hey guys
I thrifted this dress but I feel a little unsure after trying it on. What do you think?
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