Star Wars Episode 1 racer
Looking for Beginner-Friendly Cybersecurity Resources for My 14-Year-Old Son
I'm still rocking with 8gb of DDR4 in 2025, whatchu guys think?
It barely fited 😅
i had this guy in my family, u have?
Setting up Windows 7 in 2025
That’s a mean virus
Pimple or?? [acne] [misc]
Wth is this thing?
Customer is asking me to hack them if I can
Finally made the switch
Found a random guy who looks like me waiting for the subway the other day.
Which Cartoon Network character are you reviving?
Which anime character are you reviving?
You are asked to rename Earth, what are you calling it?
Ampere bros be like
Meet Muffin
Am I cooking the PS5 with this setup?
A small cow or a fat cat?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
This seems relatively high. This you? If so, why?
Am I cooked? (Goodbye ocarina of time, I guess)
Absolutely cooked
Left at my apartment dumpster today
GPUs aren't meant to last you this long.
n64 screen shows gray on my crt help