W: Tato Salad recipe H: Any five 1 star mods (e.g. 5 overeater) or 40K caps
H: Gatling-Plasma with Stinging Core and Accelerated Nozzle, W:Give them to u uwu
Question for experience player: places to buy plans
H: 3x arms keeper and GP stinging core plan W: thru hikers
H: GP Calibrated Capacitor Plan W: Limit breaking, Rejuvenator
Giveaway! 6 different glowing masks!
H: all 4* mods W: offer
H: 4 star mods, Thru-Hiker's W: Rejuvenator's
What level do people usually start doing raids or events at?
How to use Polished
Raid issue with two account setup
H: A few 4 star mods W: Pounders mod
H: Waaaaay too many Mods W: any halfway reasonable leader offers
H: Gatling Plasma Mod Plans W: Scanners and Thru Hikers Mods
Christmas Giveaway! 235 Sugar Bombs with rads!
W: 5-10 overeater H: Can make many other mods on demand
H: Gatling Plasma AA FFR with stinging core and accelerated nozzle W: Pounder
H:LeadersW:AA Gatling plasma
H: 200x Leader Bobblehead. W: 32k caps.
H: all junk offer W: modbox
Sell or Hold on to Ayleid Lich Style Page
2 bar HA magsorc skills