Pokemon Crystal Mastered
Digimon World 2003 Mastered
What PC games would you love to play for standalone support?
Pokemon XD and it's Subset Mastered
Pokemon Fire Red Mastered
Little Mermaid NES Mastered
mGBA Core fast-forward not running as fast as it used too
Windows 98 On The NES Mastered..... Not Sure Why This Exists lol
Does anyone here know ytubers who play games for retro achievements with commentary
Medabots Metabee Version Mastered
Mastery #2 - Digimon World 2
.Hack Infection and the Subset Mastered
Medabots Rokusho Version Mastered at last
mGBA Core no longer working properly
What with the screen tear in the intro? - tales of Graces F R
PS5 Pro UK Queue
UK Still stuck in a waiting room?
Gamecube Launch Event Complete!!!!!!
Personal milestone: Got into the top 50%
Gamecube is Out
At Last Digimon World 2 Mastered
Zelda Breath Of The Wild Expansion Pass by rmiras00 Edited by me
Anyone else's Rekt turned into a dwarf lol
Digimon World Mastered
Dragon Quest V Mastered