Todays acquisitions.
2nd birthday sober in 14 years.
Root Beer Sampler: actually different?
Look what an internet stranger sent me!!
View-through conversion
David Liebe Hart shirt i've bleached/dyed up
Anyone else have sprecher glass bottles at dollar tree or is it's a Wisconsin thing?
Rocky Mountain root beer
I just now after years realized Peter is saying “Corpus Christi” and not “Her first mistake” on Christian Woman
First-Timer Tastes A to Z : Starting #
Rocky Mountain
Happy Friday. Be safe.
Not root beer but delicious. New Creation Soda works, they have 6 soda flavors including root beer
What is he playing amidst the chaos
Can’t go wrong with an IBC and some pie
250 Down / 250 To Go
Ferris Bueller parade
Was anyone else utterly traumatized by this movie? It's still the scariest movie I've ever seen
Which one would you choose?
The root beer museum
You one what actor I wish had worked with Lynch?
Morning News Television
Some Lynch-inspired art I made a while back.
Ok but I was not expecting that insane bass line