I saw this at a restaurant. Why is that little bar across the two I beams?
Risk of Rain 2, how do you "build" items?
what kind of car is this?
antiques store
Holy shitballs. There are deliberate dark spots in the beam pattern
This made me sad when I found it…
They added a scar after V got shot in the head ×D
we can change car color / liveries NOW
LED headlights wash out turn signals
Anything you kill whether IRL or in video games becomes your summon.
Day 7 of posting a low effort yba meme every day during december
Chevy Cruze drivers are the American equivalent of Altima drivers
How did a choom like me get so lucky?
nerd kept killing me after jumping me. i caught him alone.
the “ahhh it’s all my fault” part in human sadness scared the fuck out of me
I just think Power Weapons are neat
lets see the funniest one lol
What Car did You learn to drive manual on
I gained some weight and I can't believe what my gf said to me
You can have any car in the world, but you’re limited to only 5.
M A X I M U M. L I G H T.
Songs That Say The Name Of The Album In The Song?