All shall fear my mighty 500ish Point collection. Anyway now that I'm done painting, I guess I actually have to Play the Game.
Is my ghostkeel meant to lean this much or did I build wrong?
What do I stick on my broadside to show a weapon support system?
Worth magnetising my crisis battlesuits if I'm not planning to switch?
getting into Tau: ideal setup for a first-timer?
Tomar the Terrible Sea Shanty
Great king of Autism GanonCorf forgot to save state
[TP] Finished twilight princess for the first time tonight, was pretty great. Ganondorf's presence really made up for his lack of screentime imo
[TP] Why does she smile like that for exactly one cutscene and never again
I made a Cory sticky pad
Fear and hunger body pillow survey, sorry if this is against the rules I just want opinions for it
Fear and hunger body pillow survey for a potential future fan project!
What did Woman mean by this?
the Jerma guild bit, since it's been asked about around 5 times recently. game is called evolva
Remember when that rival restaurant chain tried to take out walter and his family to intimidate gus? that plot point felt really rushed to me, wish they did more with that "mike becomes a security guard" subplot too...
Nature is healing...
Continuity error: in Malcolm in the middle Elliot is only a kid, but in Breaking bad he's the same age as walt?? not very bravo, vince.
what happened to the house flipper invitational
New Dub clip
Why isn't Marx credited as a writer? He is being exploited. Unbravo Vince 😔
Second episode in spanish its out!!
Confederate And N*zi Colors are a Logical Leap from Trans Spider-Gwen
"Im not gonna hur(ule)t you IM JUST GONNA BASH YOUR BRAINS IN"
I love her rule