Via osmosis
Can I complete Forest Moon CT2 with this
I just know there’s an alternate Mark out there with this origin story
Bulletproofs powers
I'm writing an Invincible fic where I adapt the show story in my own way since season 3's episode 7
I've seen a lot people mentioning Mark should've at least tried this, so I tried to squeeze it in the dialogue.
need help with a viltrumite cosplay
Stolen from the Main Sub
Which one I can get the fastest?
Invincible [Episode Discussion] - S03E07 - What Have I Done?
Which zeta should I get next?
When are LSBs returning??
Can we at least get a reskinned Assault Battle for the new Bad Batch squad?
I don't like Halsin
Meme good
clone wars glazers when they see a near 1:1 recreation of the rise of nazi germany (cinematic genius)
every time a humanoid race with deliberately non-human facial structure is eugenicized by the fashion sub, an angel loses its wings
My half orc durge!
The Pantheon is complete!
Since you all went crazy for my Durge, here he is again
Who to zeta next?
S2E4 “Erm, the Boss Finds Love?” finds heartbreak! Vote for your least favorite episode remaining.
Top 7 Separatists I’d like to see added to the game.
Expansion on ship idea post: Admiral Trench Capital ship
Empire team appreciation post
One must imagine Kanan as taking damage over time