What is society’s responsibility to its most vulnerable citizens?
Trump Freezes Federal Aid. Is this in line with what his voters want?
People on the left only, why are you so against ICE deporting illegal immigrants?
For Christian Trump supporters: How do you reconcile your religion with your vote?
AITA for not tipping 20% on a $500 hair appointment
S17E03 - “Monopulence!” [Post-Episode Discussion]
To the left: Why are you pissed at Musk?
Why are you Pro-Life?
Do those on the right actually care what bathroom a trans person uses? If so, why?
CSED and refund question
I smell Bullsh*t?
Ashley: “My intuition is insane.” America:
Blakely Thornton
WTF were they thinking?
Lyric Box Seat Question
AS09E12 - "Grand Finale Variety Extravaganza: Part 2" [Live/Reaction Post]
AS09E07 - "Meeting in the Ladies Room" [Live/Reaction Post]
Estefani and the pool
Typical Outcome on the Quickfire
AS09E01 - "Drag Queens Save The World" & AS09E02 - "The Paint Ball" [Post-Episode Discussion]
Not able to watch Aubrey's doc b/c of stupid website
Are these weaker chefs?
Not OOP AITA for telling my wife she embarrassed me she she confronted my family?
Amy’s lack of interest in hormonal birth control is really refreshing