9/2/11 210 CS Ezreal almost gets killed by 3 levels down 1/5 130 CS Sejuani and needs Yones help.
League rank is really stupid
Switched to Midlane and Tanks are still OP💀
Why does Sejuani have such low winrates compared to all other tank junglers?
You guys are lacking perspective
Why is the meta now mage supp for botlane?
Which Role/Class is usually strong against each of the classes?
I can’t man
Ranked Games for New Players
Please tell me How This Matchmaking is Fair, 3 Conq, vs 2 Gold + Diamond?
Debate: Everyone needs to play Jg to understand macro and timing
Always forced to pick first, what support to main with no bad matchups?
Should I drop Kai'Sa at this point?
Thoughts ?
"A good support can carry a bad ADC, but a good ADC cannot carry a bad support." Do you agree with this idea?
I want to do BIIIG damage. Like jhin damage but not on jhin
This is the worst state of Warzone in 5 years
With Crit being useless, I just found my favourite way to actually win as an ADC
Do you struggle to keep good CS? Then try Qiyana.
How to lane against Yasuo and Yone with low mobility mages ?
best secondary role for a mid?
To the players who are always high elo: Did you just get the games complex mechanics intuitively or did you have friends teach you
What do I do against a Irelia/Leona bottom lane as a MF/lux?
an extremely reasonable fella talking about our current situation
Playing LoL from Season 1 - still bad as day 1
What game is this for you? For me it’s Ea sports Fc (Fifa) for the past 10 years smh.