Mint Leg Centipede Cleaning & Caring For Her Babies!
What does my fridge and freezer say about me😭😭
DAE get an uncomfortable feeling above their butt when they see something icky/yucky/really bad?
What does my friends fridge say about her
How to trick my brain into not anxiously raising my heart rate 🤣
DAE think Big Mouth is a gross show for Pedophiles?
Who is more attractive, an ugly sub 5 male who is 6'4 or an attractive 9/10 male who is 5'4?
DAE feel like they need to pee every time they hear an oboe?
[NY] is this a real threat or a scam?
[H] $50 McDonald’s gift card [W] 75% cash app
[H] $25 hot topic GC [W] 75% cash app
Can I still receive money without a linked card?
Is this a scam?
Reply to this then
Why do I only have 700 dollars?
Cash App allows scammers and will not ban this person
How much money do you have saved, how old are you, and how long did it take you to save it?
DAE wake up earlier than they have to because they hate feeling rushed?
As if bus drivers don’t deal with enough BS…..
DAE hate watermelon but love things that are watermelon flavored?
Charging cards for no-shows?
How to prevent someone sending me money without blocking them?
If a person somehow managed to get every type of cancer at once, which one would kill them first?
We made a cake for our father's birthday, but the whipped cream started melting, theres 6 hours until he comes home..
Good vanilla icecream?