Day 1 of trying to get a comment from each European subdivision
Carl's Jr Vs Hardee's
A'yo it's Loc baby! It's Loc, it's Loc, no joke, no joke! I'm the man in the place, punch you in the face, a gun in my waist!
My boy still doesn't cock his leg to pee
Snow fight time! Would love to see your dog snow pics!❄️
Show me your stinky babies! I demand it! (Please!)
Change my mind
r/Ireland grid - Worst town - Top voted comment after 24 hours will be added to the grid
r/Ireland grid - Most Annoying - Top voted comment after 24 hours will be added to the grid
Co-Pilots (Let’s see yours)!
How much does your male shepherd weigh?
Let's see your GSD's "trying to comprehend words" face
German Shepherds are such majestic breeds.
wcgw using a phone while driving a fking train
Please share your male gsd names, this handsome boy is 45days old, he has been with us for almost 24 hours and we have not yet decided on a name.
Automating Crystal Energizing with Energizing Orb
If someone from Empire era/New Republic era or Legacy Era were to buy an antique from the Old Republic Era how much would it cost?
what is something that a pc user should be using? (even if expensive)
The Rock is literally the "Final Boss".
Anyone know any good power mods?
(Busted Open) Dave LaGreca: “I was completely wrong (about AEW playing the Punk/Perry video). I thought last night was a defining moment for that company.”
What is the hype with lighter mouse?
HMC while I show em how it’s done.
“Lunch at the gas station” starter pack