what heppens to this effect if the owner leaves the game? if I get hit and cant gain life and screaming nemesis owner leaves the game. Can i still not get life?
What are some or your favorite / most satistying primary weapons against Automatons
Galder's Tower
Favorite bow and arrow gameplay in a game?
Levels Module (Token vision issue)
Convince me to choose Tzeench over the other gods
What monster should this be?
Simple sky island intersection
Does anyone else see it?
trial spawners lose all nbt data when places in survival
Who’s the hot one? (i know it’ll be legolas, i’m just doing this for consistency)
Ned learns a terrible truth.
Do it
Here's totally the super-heavy armor you unlock at level 1500 [OC]
Frick zodiac signs. Wich vent to do you shoot?
Chaotic Islands
I found it weird we don't have a Flamethrower turret, so here's my rendition! A / BRN-18 "SCORCHER" Emplacement ( OC )
30 by 30 jungle
A dark cathedral near a lava lake (14×21)
What colour do you think this baby dragon is?
Contest: What are they staring at?
They did nothing wrong