Just left CG prison and started TOA, seems to be going pretty well
Assuming I have some level of PvP competency, what are the chances of me ragging my way to one of those BH kits?
Things that get under your skin
$10K for every day you evade capture.
$15M tax free to your bank, if you survive the U.S. tank force for 24 hours
Give me some songs that make you go like this
What’s that one song you consider a perfect 10/10?
Have any suicides happened because of *really* mild, everyday inconveniences; or a petty temporary problem?
What torture do you think you would successfully endure?
How about a Linc prequel titled "Sink" - where he is played by Channing Tatum
I grinded soulreaper axe nonstop for 189.5 hours until i got it. Here are my math/drops i got
First mega spoon on the iron
is obtaining crystal took seed worth it
son, whats that noise?
Karma for a 62kc enhanced.
Blursed rev log
Went back to Corp after a few months away from the beast
I want to know your non traditional money makers
I made the three hour dough just to try it out. Wont be doing it again though. It really didnt have a nice crunch. Is that normal?
Game Jam: Charges QoL
Who is the best pker in the game ?
Unpopular opinion: I really dislike Doug Judy.
When can I be freed from the red prison
2000 total level post, what's next?
I hope Vampyrium has a better source of blood shards.