Now that The Tomb has been out for a few days, how would you rank all the maps in BO6 so far? I'll start:
What is youre favorite cod zombies perk
Crazy how the same map that reintroduced a perk to allow you to see obscured zombies, is the same one where there's a challenge with fog and it doesn't outline zombies through it.
Or maybe even make a new perk that we’ve never seen before
2 Level 1’000’s on the same team, Yeah I left the Match…
Please rank these four watches from favorite to least favorite.
Guys there's still hope for double tap
Who's your go to operator in zombies ?
this take is crazy
Can we just get Hijacked please?
The Tomb : your thoughts?
what yall think about THE TOMB
Is There a Way to Farm Ultra Rarity Gobble Gums?
The Maelstrom is the WORST gun I’ve ever used
Omega NTTD on eBay
who got all the camos for zombies ??
31 year old Canadian, Buddy thinks I should go on a TRT run.
Nuketown is always trash for me
playing zombies solo is better
What's your favourite wonder weapon in all of COD history
Bro what is this matchmaking??
I never used protein shakes, creatine or anything. Should I start would that be too much?
[COD] one will get a campaign remaster, one will never get a remaster at all.
Out of all zombies maps which one is your favorite, and why is it Origins ?
Not sure if many people noticed PAP in the Nexus