Deepest cut(s) you’ve experienced live?
Who dat? Go Ben!!!
Song contest Day 10 - Best song on Love Is A Four Letter Word
Five: ‘That music video should never have been allowed to happen’
Good Morning 😏
What’s your top 3 episodes?
Dumbest/unfunniest subplot in your opinion? Mine is the squirrel operation
Times Taylor has LIED
Pick a less popular Darkness song from each record that is your favorite to listen to.
Jason Mraz song contest Day 9 - Most underrated song on We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things
Brent Hinds leaves Mastodon after 25 years
New guitarist speculation thread...
CDs with hidden tracks
My least favorite album covers, which ones should I add?
Jason Mraz song contest Day 8 - Worst/least favourite song on We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things
Fuzz back with the band for the Chicago Show!
discography answer boxes - best song
Who has the better masks! Slipknot or mushroomhead. Purely on looks alone
Indestructable Album Debate (Best Song: 1st Round)
What are the odds of them playing the vengeful one @ the Philly 25th concert
Jason Mraz song contest Day 7 - Best song on We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things
Whats the longest album you own?
Jason Mraz song contest Day 6 - Most underrated song on Mr. A-Z