Couldn’t Finral basically implode someone?
What thoughts arise when you look at my work?
These Scars Should Have Been Permanent
Last animal / insect you've seen in real life has now become your summon. And it's named after last thing you've eaten? Who's your fighting partner now?
I would rather be quirkless any day than look like this
Why does fur clothing exist in the beastars universe?
Other Youtuber Recommendations Thread
Am I allowed to be here if my name isn’t Austin?
PSA: it’s impossible to make a bright white character in Oblivion
The imperial sword and the potential of it being used for the final fight
69 adventures :^)
Page creator note: Hi guys, this page came out today and I'm getting some new moderators added! Now is your chance to leave ideas for the page in the comments! We are still in the making of the page so be patient :)
Happy Valentine’s day 🩷
Black Clover: Project Zoo! :3
If you were to redraw this Glass Stained picture of Sora with Asta what 4 charcters would you put there with him?
Claggor brought the pipe the impaled Mylo
How fun would Asta Leo and Yuno would have on a joint training exercise and how much stronger would they become
You have to pick one anime trope to bring into the real world which are one are you picking?
Inaccessible chest Near Ra'sava Camp?
Vander has some explaining to do, they have the same eyecolor
Clover posting day 294: strong breeze, eh?
What do you think these three do together, now that Silco’s back?
Asta needs an area of effect technique to be the next Wizard King
How is it guys?
Which Blackbull is likely to die?