This is a vandalized memorial of the foibe massacres. Today is the "Giorno del ricordo" to remember all the victims of said massacres.
Business tip: Hire people with more debt, they're desperate.
Imagine auth right being scammed 2 times in a row.
I don’t want to believe all right wingers are psychopaths but people like this is making it very hard
Mental health services for the immigrants. We love the Onion.
Oh no. Anyway.
Never ask a man his salary. Never ask a woman her age. Never ask a leftist about their economic policies.
Didn't really know what to put for lib left, my bad guys.
A beginner’s guide to the basics of PCM posting!
This is about his first term, but his first week of the second term is also lower.
Me when the ICC isn't legit.
Man, I countermemed but the original meme got deleted
One of these carvings is not like the other
To ride or not to ride, that is the question
Where will the Palestinians go?
Bye bye bye bye ᵇʸᵉ ᵇʸᵉ ᵇʸᵉ ᵇʸᵉ
If the average Gazan had the 8000$ bribe money Egypt requires for leaving, Gaza would have been empty a decade ago
Not cool, not cool.
AuthLeft vs. AuthRight propaganda
Libleft 🗣️🗣️🗣️
I think the micro plastics are to blame
Karma for everyone
What's something you wish you knew when you were a teenager?
What's something that would make you immediatley break off a friendship?
need karma i’ll upvote if you!!!!